What Is Verification Intellectual Properties (VIP)? |
Verification Intellectual Properties (VIPs) – What Are They? VIPs are a complete package of verification testbench which you can use to verify silicon design IPs. They are a pre-packaged set of codes used for verification. They are nothing more than a model that provides a means of user interaction at different levels of abstraction of the underlying designs. VIP is also a type of reusable IP that can generate comprehensive tests for shortening SoC verification and increasing test coverage. Physically, VIPs are pre-defined functional blocks that can be inserted into the testbenches used for verifying a design. With VIP, the intent is to provide a specification for verification of the functionality of a design block or full system. In one word, VIP blocks can help in all levels of verification as simulation models for the actual design IP. Why Verification Intellectual Properties (VIPs)? The technology industry presents numerous time-to-market and design quality challenges. Achieving one at the cost of the other is all too common, however this tradeoff isn’t inevitable. A focus on “right verification” can boost both productivity and quality. The successful design of any application from an individual intellectual property (IP) block to an SoC (System-on-Chip) depends upon the right verification. With each move from the chip level to board level and finally to system level, the cost of detecting a defective chip increases by 10X. Sometimes it is not easy to judge the correct verification methodology, and choosing the wrong one may cause trouble later. Verification Intellectual Properties (VIP) provides the means to get this right. On the other hand, as IP designs are trending in the semiconductor integrated devices, the need to test and verify them is increasing enormously. Although most standard protocols and interface IPs enable verification engineers to check basic features, such as system start-up, yet VIPs enable more detailed exploration. This is becoming increasingly important because of the growth in complexity of SoC designs. For this need to be fulfilled, IP vendors came up with VIPs which are nothing but verification intellectual properties. VIP has simplified the way in which verification carried out of any complex designs under test/verification (DUTs)! Moreover, verification engineers point to the need for thorough code coverage and functional coverage within a well-integrated flow. VIP supports a seamless coverage-driven verification flow with no coverage gaps between simulation, emulation or formal verification. It is usable at multiple stages in a design flow and by multiple suppliers to a design project. VIP Importance As such, VIP is considered a valuable component of a verification methodology as it describes libraries of reusable verification components and pre-defined functional blocks instrumental in validating the correctness of complex interfaces and protocols found in SoC designs. Furthermore, covering the alphabet of MIPI, SerDes, automotive, memory models, networking, storage and video, VIPs remove the need for experts in multiple protocols because they verify the design against the details of the protocol specifications. Along the way, they improve debug, quality and coverage closure, accelerate project delivery, increase return on investment and reduce the risk of silicon respin. VIP Applications While VIPs are often used to verify standard bus protocols, they also can be used for system performance analysis and are increasingly being used with emulation, simulation, and virtual prototyping. VIPs can be used with emulation for simulation acceleration and APIs. The simulation acceleration side uses emulation to run faster with a UVM (Universal Verification Methodology) test environment, very similar to the verification IP used with UVM, but not targeted to run on an emulator. VIP can also be used at multiple stages in a design flow and by multiple suppliers to a design project. There are also Verification VIPs to verify PCIe, USB, SATA, SAS, Fiber Channel and Ethernet Protocols available in the market! VIP Features An important feature of VIP is the inbuilt developed protocol violation checker! There is a monitor integrated on interface between Design and Verification IP! It can be used to monitor transactions on bus and can be used to verify protocol rules automatically! Also, protocol rules can be developed as part of verification IP! Whenever any transactions are sent or received from DUT then in-built protocol checkers developed in Verification IP can trigger error on protocol violation! Verification IP can throw errors which are mapped to specification and can help verification engineers to file bugs against design specification easily without knowing the protocol specification without any detail! This method can provide protocol checking on each transaction! Example, PCIe protocol violations can be implemented as part of protocol checker from specification as part of Verification IP! It can check for protocol rules mapped to specification on every TLP(Traffic Light Protocol) and DLLP(Data Link Layer Packet) received from design! It can pinpoint design bugs to designers! Designers can fix those kinds of bugs mapped to specification easily! VIP Categories VIPs can serve different purposes and based on this we differentiate three main categories. The main engine inside verification IP is the Transactor model — sometimes called masters and slaves, sometimes just called VIPs, and in some flows called agents — that are the elements that can get told by a UVM, or whatever approach is being used, to write the test vectors. Transactors are modules that establish communication channel between software part of testbench (HDL Simulator, Virtual Platform, etc.) and the design. Transactor’s communication channel is implemented with use of high level messages that are translated by the BFM(Bus Functional Modeling) into correct standard interface protocol signaling. The testbench can inject bus transfers or respond to transfer requests using transactor. Comprehensive VIP should be configurable and also provide errors injection and handling functionality. Monitors are conceptually similar to Transactors and they are used in soft-testbench but have only a monitoring/read-only capability. Their BFM can capture and recognize a standard interface signaling protocol and translate it to higher level messages that can be collected and sent to the testbench for analysis or debugging purposes. Speed Adapters are used to connect design running in emulator with external hardware i.e. real devices. Their primary functionality is to synchronize emulation clock domain with real devices that usually have higher clock rates. Complex interfaces usually require proper synchronization in the protocol layer. VIP Compositions VIP blocks normally consists of bus functional models, stimulus generators, protocol monitors, and functional coverage blocks. Since a lot of industry design testbenches follow different languages (like SystemVerilog, C, specman) and methodologies (OVM-Open Verification Methodology, UVM), these VIPs are generally designed as configurable components that can be configured and easily integrated into different verification environments. VIP may be a set of assertions for verifying a bus protocol. Or it could be a module intended to be used within a defined verification methodology, such as UVM (Universal Verification Methodology). This would often contain stimulus sequences, bus functional models, a set of checkers, coverage model and other things associated with a particular block in the design, such as a USB interface. VIP Deliverables & Forms VIP blocks for emulation and FFGA prototyping, for example, come as synthesizable register transfer level (RTL) code. Full API compatibility moves designs from simulation to emulation. These VIP blocks include built-in intelligent debuggers, offer fast compile and system-level simulation run times and fast firmware/software development. The infrastructure framework or testbench comes with stimulus generators, monitors, scoreboards/checkers and functional coverage models. VIPs and Simulation / Emulation Platforms Within a simulation platform, VIP should not be tied to a specific simulator. Within an emulation platform, VIP should not be tied to an emulator. Similarly, VIP should not be tied to a specific formal engine. For an ideal design, VIP needs to be platform agnostic and, even within the platform, verification engine agnostic for verification engineers to move from platform to platform seamlessly without any overhead in the process. VIPs and Testbenches A testbench for a complex SoC requires a variety of VIP blocks to verify system-level functionality and validate target performance by generating application-specific traffic and checkers. These VIPs are to be inserted into the design test bench to complete the verification process - to check the operation of protocols and interfaces, both discretely and in combination. They enable verification engineers to inspect basic features, such as system start-up or more detailed exploration. They generate tests that stimulate and verify different interfaces and standard bus protocols, such as transactions/sequences, drivers and configuration components. A test plan for a specific interface and test suites connects to a design under test/verification (DUT) inside the testbench to simulate or emulate an IP or an SoC design. The result is an infrastructure for industry-standard interface and interconnect protocol support and a known reference to compare with the DUT. VIP Selection Choosing the correct VIP, which involves judging its recipe and verification methodology, is as tough as choosing a design IP. The right methodology improves the ability to abstract underlying complexity while increasing reusability, ease of debugging and bug fixing, and maintenance. VIP Development The VIP design life cycle is very similar to the regular IP in VLSI but the purpose of the VIP is to verify the design only. VIPs can be developed in System Verilog, System C, UVM or other languages and technologies! VIPs are developed with various configurations to verify various aspects of designs! These kinds of configuration mechanisms allow the same VIP to work in different modes! For example, PCIe VIPs can be configured to work as switch, endpoint, or root complex with configuration parameters! It makes integration and verification of various designs in simple ways! It makes testbench development simpler compared to any other modes of verification! Understanding how to build a lasting VIP is a challenge given changing technologies and market conditions. VIPs are developed by premier companies like Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics, PerfectVIPs and many more! The EDA community has worked hard to produce new methodologies to address requirements for verification. These include improved simulation performance, debug features, and advanced verification strategies. The biggest area of potential is in advanced verification techniques. These include transaction-level modeling and support, integrated assertion support, and testbench techniques. These approaches enable the IP users to achieve performance and compliance goals. Don’t forget though, VIPs are worth millions of dollars in terms of license coasting to customers! |