Review of Verification IP & IP Core Verification – An Abstract
Writing about Design and Verification of IC & IP Cores
In addition to design, I am also involved in a couple of other services such as:
Authoring of the gigantic Book series titled “Silicon IP – Not just Design”,
Development of the Website for IP Core design (
in the areas of IC technologies.
Over the last year I’ve already completed several of the books in the area of Verification IP & IP Core Verification within the book family such as:
Review of Verification IP & IP Core Verification – An Abstract
Verification Methodologies-A Concise Introduction
Comprehensive Review of Hardware Verification Languages (Except Python)
Hardware Verification in Python
And now I am also writing the following book as a summarization of my IC development work:
Machine Learning for Hardware Verification
Brief introductions are available on my website at this link.